Demande de rendez-vous
Request an appointment

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You can make your appointment online:

Nos coordonnées
Our contact information

Carrefour Soins Infirmiers Privés
1013 Autoroute 13
Laval, QC H7W 4V3

(450) XXX-XXXX

Pour nous trouver depuis l’entrée principale du Tennis 13, prenez le premier corridor à votre gauche (le corridor qui longe le magasin de sport). Nous sommes situés à la première porte à votre droite.

To find us from the main entrance of Tennis 13, take the first hallway on your left (the hallway that is located next to the sports store). We are located on the first door on your right.



1013 Autoroute 13
Laval, QC, H7W 4V3

450 934-1313

La fine fleur des soins infirmiers professionnels accessibles sans délai d’attente, avec ou sans ordonnance.

The very best of professional nursing services, easy to access and with no waiting time, with or without a prescription. 

About us

Notre équipe

About us


Nurse since 1988 with a Bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Nursing Sciences from the Université de Montréal obtained in 2005 and a Master’s of Science degree in experimental surgery from the Faculty of Medicine of McGill University obtained in 2007.

I have in-depth experience in many clinical domains, including emergency care, intensive and perioperative care. I contributed to developing many accessibility and hospital care improvement programs.

This has brought me to offer you various quality health services that you can easily fit in your schedule to accommodate your busy life! Your health matters to me!

For a thriving body and mind.